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Classification of poly aluminium chloride

TIME:2023-07-21 17:32:11SOURCE:admin

Poly aluminium chloride is a water treatment chemical, inorganic polymer coagulant, also referred to as poly aluminium chloride,PAC,polyaluminum.

According to the production process,poly aluminium chloride can be divided into drum drying type poly aluminium chloride and spray drying type poly aluminium chloride.

According to the Al2O3 content, poly aluminium chloride can be divided into industrial grade poly aluminium chloride and drinking water grade poly aluminium chloride.

According to the color,poly aluminium chloride can be divided into brown color poly aluminium chloride,yellow color poly aluminium chloride,white color poly aluminium chloride.

According to appearance, poly aluminium chloride can be divided into solid poly aluminium chloride, liquid poly aluminium chloride.

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Classification of poly aluminium chloride

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